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Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Long Time Ago In A Galaxy Far Far Away...

Now a while back I have heard of a new Star Wars MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) called Star Wars The Old Republic. Now the creators of SWTOR (Star Wars The Old Republic) said that this game will be unlike any other MMO before. Most MMO's feature more of a levelling  system while SWTOR will focus on storyline. I have played a famous MMO based off of J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings series called Lord of the Rings Online or LOTRO for short. This game carried common MMO elements such as an ability to grind in which you kill enemies just for levelling, and farming where you kill enemies for loot and in game currency. SWTOR is going to be alot like LOTRO. There will be multiple classes to choose from, different species that you can play as that have their own special abilities, and other things like that. But what people say makes SWTOR different is they're making it very different like you are in a Star Wars movie, and what makes it interesting is that there will be a different storyline for each class you play. Will you fight for the Jedi on the Light Side of the Force? Or will you use your darkness as a Sith of the Dark decide!

Christopher W

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